The SIREVIVAL project is based on the tight collaboration of three African partners: the Research Center in Semiconductors Technology for Energy (CRTSE, P2) — Algeria, the Center for Energy Research and Technology (CRTEn, P4) — Tunisia and the National Higher Engineering School of Tunis (ENSIT, P5) — Tunisia. The scientific visit of CRTSE team during May/June 2024, in the headquarters of the CRTEn partner, enabled joint activities involving all African participants.
The Algerian partner attended the one-day workshop held on June 6th, 2024, co-organized by the Tunisians partners, and focused on sustainable photovoltaics for outdoor applications. It presented to the Algerian participant an in-depth perspective on current activities related to performance, enhanced functionality and reliability of photovoltaic panels, as well as supercapacitor and battery-based power conversion systems technologies in development by the two Tunisian partners.
Moreover, during this scientific visit, Dr. Sabiha Anas Boussaa engaged in activities with three laboratories of CRTEn, namely LPV (Photovoltaic Laboratory), LPT (Laboratory of Thermal Processes), and LMEEVED (Laboratory for the Mastery of Wind Energy and Waste Energy Enhancement). The work focused on the power components that constitute the microgrid, which will be further implemented based on photovoltaic panels and supercapacitors, as well as the sizing of the power converters.
All the African partners were present at several meetings in the different laboratories of ENSIT, especially LATICE (Information and Communication Technologies and Electrical Engineering), SIME (Signal, Image and Energy Control) and LISIER (Industrial Systems and Renewable Energy Engineering). The discussion and work focused on OpenModelica and Scilab that are two excellent options for the development of a toolkit open source for the simulation, the control and the optimization of storage energy systems based on co-integrated photovoltaic panels and supercapacitors with electronic control for compensating overcasts.