SolChargE project update

SolChargE project update

SolChargE project update

The SolChargE project aims to address the mobility needs in rural areas with limited electricity infrastructure. Supply chains for fuel are often not well established, fuel is expensive and of low quality. However, renewable energies open up the possibility for decentralized solutions in mobility. Part of the solution in the SolChargE project is the so called “Decentralized Transportation Hub,” consisting of photovoltaic modules with a stationary battery, an AC-Type 2 charger, and a four-by-four electric car. The car is running in an operational model, not just serving farmers, to deliver goods from the hub to the next market, but also enabling the rural population to reach the next bigger cities for instance for health facilities or schools. The idea of the project is to assess the impact of the system and demonstrate the prototype of the hub as a blueprint for other sites.

Figure 1: The 4×4 electric vehicle at the solar charging station

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of our prototype of a Decentralized Transportation Hub at Hidi, Bishoftu in Ethiopia. This project, headed by Dr T. A. Abera and his team at Adama Science & Technology University in collaboration with the Consortium members of Stellenbosch University (RSA), CEA (FRA) and TUM (GER), represents a milestone to enable electric vehicle-based on solar charging in rural areas without any grid connection. The electric vehicle (EVUM Motors aCar) was already tested for several months for the operational service and will now be tested in combination with the solar charging station to assess the practicability.

Figure 2: Photovoltaic and inverter installment.

The prototype for the solar charging station has been designed based on guidelines developed by Stellenbosch University.

Summary of System Sizing
Battery Capacity28 kWh
Installed PV Capacity5.4 kW
Inverter power5 kW
Daily Charging demand16.5 kWh
Maximum Rated Charging Power3.3 kW
Minimum Cable Size4 mm2
Battery Fuse Size150 A
String Fuse Size15/20 A
Figure 2: Photovoltaic and inverter installment.

The LEAP-RE consortium gathers 83 African and European partners covering a wide range of sectors: education/research, private sector, policy and funding. Together, they are building a long-term partnership of African and European stakeholders committed to fostering research and innovation for the development of renewable energy.

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