124 applications received during 1st phase of the LEAP-RE Call for projects

124 applications received during 1st phase of the LEAP-RE Call for projects

124 applications received during 1st phase of the LEAP-RE Call for projects

124 applications have been received during the pre-proposal phase of the LEAP-RE Call for AU-EU Collaborative Research and Innovation projects on Renewable Energy. The Call was launched in January 2021 and is funded thanks to the participation of 16 African and European funding agencies as well as that of the EU, with a total budget of €17 Million. The pre-proposal submission has recently closed on 1st April 2021, being a huge success with a great number and a great variety of applications.

Candidates include compagnies, non-profit associations, research labs, foundations and more from 38 African and European countries (12 in Europe and 36 in Africa).

124 applications in 6 key areas

Applications had to fall under one out of 6 topics that had been defined in roadmaps developed in the LEAP-RE programme preparatory phase:

  • Mapping joint research and innovation actions for next-step development of renewable energy sources and integration of renewable energy sources in sustainable energy scenarios: 21 applications
  • End-of-life and second-life management and environmental impact of renewable energy components: 7 applications
  • Smart stand-alone systems: 37 applications
  • Smart grid (different scale) for off grid application: 23 applications
  • Processes and appliances for productive uses (agriculture and industry): 14 applications
  • Innovative solutions for priority domestic uses (clean cooking and cold chain): 22 applications

This Call is part of the LEAP-RE Pillar 1. Pillar 1 focuses on external research funding and capacity-building implemented through open calls for proposals. The LEAP-RE Joint Call 2021 will fund basic research, applied research and experimental development projects that are 12-36 months long.

Next steps

Communication of pre-proposal assessment will take place on 15 June 2021. Deadline for full proposal submission is 15 September 2021. The assessment of the full proposals will be communicated on 30 Novembre 2021.

More information on the LEAP-RE Call >>

The LEAP-RE consortium gathers 83 African and European partners covering a wide range of sectors: education/research, private sector, policy and funding. Together, they are building a long-term partnership of African and European stakeholders committed to fostering research and innovation for the development of renewable energy.

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