
Green Hydrogen (produced by renewable energy sources) is an important option for African Green Transition given the abundance of renewable energy resources on the continent. Green Hydrogen could be an option for African countries for decarbonization of their economies but also for economic development taking into consideration the potential for hydrogen exports toward other continents, especially Europe. REPowerEU sets a target of 10 million tonnes of domestic renewable hydrogen production and 10 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen imports by 2030[1]. In 2050 the volume of Green Hydrogen imported in EU from North Africa could be closed to 15 million tonnes (not including liquefied hydrogen or ammonia). Green Hydrogen will also have various applications in African energy systems.

As reported by IEA (IEA, GlobalHydrogenReview2023[2]) in 2022 35% of hydrogen was produced inside the refineries from by-product of catalytic reformers, over 40% from fossil fuel and the rest from external companies, based on the by-product of the refineries. This mean that, at this stage, Hydrogen is largely produced at world level through natural gas reforming for utilisation in industry (fertilisers…) but the process is very energy-intensive and generates large CO2 emissions. Using Capture and Storage of CO2 coupled with natural gas reforming (blue hydrogen) may be a long-term option but still remains with strong technical and economic uncertainties. This technological roadmap relies only on Green Hydrogen (i.e. produced by renewable energy).

Several African countries already developed green hydrogen strategies or roadmaps (Morocco[3], South Africa[4], Algeria[5], Egypt[6], Mauritania, Namibia[7], Kenya…). …). In the West African region, ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) has developed the ECOWAS Green Hydrogen Policy and Strategic Framework. The European Commission supports projects on Green Hydrogen in Africa including JUST-GREEN AFRH2ICA[8] coordinated by University of Genova and GREEN HYDROGEN: BRIDGING THE ENERGY TRANSITION IN AFRICA. Florence School of Innovation aims to identify the conditions of green hydrogen deployment in Africa and SUNERGY is creating a Circular Economy Technological Roadmap[9].

Mission Innovation (MI) is an international initiative set up by more than 20 countries during Paris Agreement negotiation to foster research and innovation on Clean and low carbon technologies through international cooperation. MI identified several fields to strengthen research and innovation (R&I) at international level among which hydrogen through its Hydrogen Mission and Hydrogen Valleys, as well as direct conversion of sunlight into sustainable fuels and chemicals is addressed.

This document relies on these strategies and scenarios and aims at identifying research and innovation priorities for R&I projects which could be selected and funded through joint calls operated by funding organisations from Africa and Europe.

LEAP-SE (Long term Research and Innovation Europe Africa Partnership on Sustainable Energy) is a project launched in 2024 gathering funding organisations from Europe and Africa and supported by the European Commission. The project will launch calls for R&I projects on sustainable energy gathering research and innovation teams from both continents aiming at developing the cooperation between EU and AU. LEAP-SE will focus on Green Hydrogen production in Africa and the utilisation of Green Hydrogen in African national energy systems as one of the seven priorities in the field of Sustainable Energy.

Green Hydrogen technologies scope

Green Hydrogen is produced using energy from renewable resources and could be a highly efficient decarbonized energy vector. Africa has the potential to be a major producer of Green Hydrogen due to its renewable energy resources and available space and could benefit from leapfrogging hydrogen technologies developed around the world. Green Hydrogen is an opportunity for the African green transition through domestic application of Green Hydrogen and its derivatives.

Green Hydrogen production in Africa may rely on water electrolysis with renewable electricity (solar, wind, hydro…). Most current conversion technologies require purified water sources (purification increases the cost and complexity of systems). Developing concepts to utilise brackish water, seawater, or contaminated water could improve the systems. Coupling solar fuel processes with solar-driven water desalination and/or purification creates new potential opportunities.

Green Hydrogen may also be produced from biogas reforming or biomass gasification. Natural Hydrogen resources in Africa are also being investigated (HyAfrica project funded under LEAP-RE is exploring this issue).

The direct conversion of sunlight into hydrogen or chemicals is also an alternative that could play a crucial role. Solar fuels involve the direct production of energy-rich chemicals and fuels from sunlight, water, and air (e.g. CO2 and nitrogen). Solar fuels generation embodies several anthropogenic and biologically assisted processes to convert solar energy directly to fuels, chemical products, and materials. Like solar electricity, solar fuels can be generated using light energy directly from sunlight, often referred to as artificial photosynthesis, or by using heat from sunlight to drive high-temperature thermal processes.

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of sunlight-to-X processes. Taken from: “Mission Innovation IC5 action plan 2020”


Sunlight-to-X, often referred to as “solar fuels”, aims to fully utilise the potential of directly converting sunlight or chemical compounds using water, carbon dioxide, and other feedstocks into fuels (energy carriers)., This is achieved either through:  direct solar-driven processes or the close coupling of solar-driven and chemical production processes

Green Hydrogen may be used in all sectors as an energy vector, aiming to decarbonize energy:

  • In road transport Green Hydrogen could be particularly adapted to freight transports where electrification with batteries is difficult
  • Green Hydrogen has the potential to decarbonize shipping transport and, in the longer-term, air transport (jet fuels/sustainable aviation fuels).
  • In several industrial sectors hydrogen is the optimal way to substitute fossil fuels (steel industry, cement, chemistry, ammonia…)
  • Green Hydrogen could serve as an efficient means of electricity storage, especially for long-term storage applications compared to batteries and could also be used in the production of synthetic fuels (P2X)


There is still a large field for research and innovation to develop and assess affordable solutions for Green Hydrogen. Several projects on Green Hydrogen are already implemented in partnership between Africa and Europe. LEAP-SE will promote research and innovation projects considering their outputs and impacts on Africa’s green transition.

Research and Innovation priorities eligible for LEAP-SE Calls for projects

R&I priorities on green hydrogen in Africa are identified among various segments of its value chain:

  • Research on green hydrogen penetration planning at local, national and continental energy systems level.
  • Research on modelling green hydrogen production and use chain including energy and other natural resources
  • Research and innovation on green hydrogen production and technologies for direct conversion of sunlight into chemical.
  • Research and innovation on green hydrogen utilisation technologies in various sectors.
  • Research and innovation on hydrogen storage and distribution.
  • Research and innovation concerning safety and certification/regulation
  • Cross-cutting issues.

Modelling green hydrogen production and use chain

Research and Innovation priorities for LEAP-SE Calls:

  • Modelling the potential production and penetration of green hydrogen in the national energy system
  • Modelling RES and H2 production coupling
  • Modelling Water Supply and H2 Production coupling (also looking at desalination)
  • Modelling H2 demand to facilitate the viability assessment of green hydrogen production.


Green hydrogen production technologies

Green Hydrogen production through electrolysis

Research and development on green hydrogen production is conducted worldwide, with large-scale demonstrators being assessed in many countries looking at the industrialization stage. The main technology used is the electrolysis of water and the development of high-temperature electrolysers. The research and innovations priorities in LEAP-SE calls for projects will address:

  • The enhancement of existing processes with a particular focus on application in African context (reliability, maintenance, and security). Research and innovation may address the issue of water availability in some contexts of superficial water shortage (e.g., using sewage for electrolysis). The research may also address small electrolysers for application in off-grid context.
  • Experimentation of small or medium-sized demonstrators is strongly encouraged.

Green Hydrogen production through biomass conversion: 

  • Green hydrogen could also be produced by reforming biogas or synthetic gases issued from biomass gasification. Research and innovation projects may address the enhancement of biogas or synthetic gas from biomass reforming to produce hydrogen using renewable energy in the African context.

Direct conversion of sunlight into chemicals

Research on advanced technologies aiming to the direct conversion of sunlight into chemicals and solar fuels is encouraged. This scientific field covers the following pathways:


  • The development of catalysts for water splitting, CO2 reduction, and other key reactions (see 3.2.1)
  • The improvement of solar light harvesting materials; the enhancement of charge separation; and the coupling of catalysts with solar light harvesting materials
  • Developments in Cyanobacteria-Derived Biofuel, Cyanobacteria and microalgae could be used to excrete fuels or chemicals into a surrounding medium
  • The development of photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic devices; photobiological and biohybrid approaches
  • Thermochemical pathways using concentrated sunlight
  • The design, engineering, and demonstration of devices and systems at scale

Green hydrogen utilization

Green hydrogen could be used in various sectors, in industry (to produce fertilizers or ammonia) but also in other processes as energy decarbonized vector or reduction feedstock (steel industry, cement…).

Green hydrogen could also be used in the transport sector as decarbonized energy vector for road vehicles especially for heavy duty vehicles (trucks, buses) or railway as batteries better fit for light vehicles. Green hydrogen may also be used in the shipping sector and in the longer term in air transport either as hydrogen or its derivatives (solar fuels).

Green hydrogen could also be used as a means of storage of electricity produced by variable renewable energy (solar or wind). These solutions (P2X – X2P) could be envisaged at the level of large renewable electricity plants connected to the grid or at mini-grids level instead or in complement of batteries.

The research and innovations priorities in LEAP-SE calls for projects will address:

  • Research and innovation on hydrogen utilization in various industrial processes. The study and demonstration of power-to-hydrogen solutions in industry for industrial sites using hydrogen as fuel or feedstock.
  • Research and demonstration on renewables driven power-to-ammonia/UREA systems for farming area.
  • End of Life of fuel cells technologies
  • Research and innovation on Raw Materials for fuel cells technologies in Africa.
  • Study and demonstrate Renewables driven power-to-hydrogen-to-power systems in mini grid and/or off-grid remote contexts.

Demonstrators’ experimentation will be encouraged if the subsidies expected fit within the maximum amount of funding per project eligible under LEAP-SE Calls.

If fuel cells technologies research and innovation for application in Africa is encouraged, development of new electric vehicles using fuel cells is not in the scope of this call.

Green hydrogen storage and transportation

Several types of storage devices are used to store hydrogen, including but not limited to compressed or liquefied gas vessels, solid-state devices, and the production of hydrogen derivatives such as methanol.

Green hydrogen can be transported over short or medium distances as pressurized or liquefied gas with trucks or through pipelines (blended with natural gas or pure hydrogen if pipelines are adapted to hydrogen specificity). For transcontinental transportation of green hydrogen, solutions may rely on transforming hydrogen into ammonia for shipping. The research and innovations priorities in LEAP-SE calls for projects will address:

  • Research and innovation on hydrogen storage solutions, specifically for remote areas considering reliability, robustness, and security.
  • Research on hydrogen conversion into ammonia or other chemicals using renewable energy sources.

Cross cutting issues

The research and innovation priorities in LEAP-SE calls for projects may also include the following cross cutting issues:

  • Social assessment and social engagement of green hydrogen stakeholders in projects also looking at Water-Energy-Food Nexus
  • Technologies insertion in hydrogen valleys
  • Enhancement of existing technology’s reliability and security in African context
  • Utilization of testing and training facilities
  • Natural Hydrogen resources assessments and valorization

Conditions for the setting up of a regulatory framework common in Africa for hydrogen could be integrated in R&I projects.

In the various thematic priorities identified above, technological research and the experimentation of demonstrators will be encouraged as far as the budget required for funding by LEAP-SE remains within the scope of maximum funding eligible for projects.




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