EURICA : latest news in the project

EURICA : latest news in the project

EURICA : latest news in the project

Earlier this year, partners from the EURICA project organized the International Energy Stakeholder Roundtable to stimulate discussions on the present and future state of energy in West Africa. Among the main discussion topics were the crucial themes of digitalization, women and solar energy. Taking place in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, and online, the event brought together steakeholders from the energy world, but also social sciences experts and civil society representatives to discuss some of the most pressing issues related to energy access and the current global energy crisis. Read the comprehensive report on the lessons learnt and results of the International energy players round table (TRIAE report).

EURICA latest participation in events:

  • The project also presented a paper at the CIRED event in Rome, Italy
  • IFDD (Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable) webinar: Innovation Digitale pour un Avenir Électrique : L’Électrification Améliorée à Madagascar et au Burkina Faso on 13 July P
  • The project was also present at the European Sustainable Energy Week 2023.

The LEAP-RE consortium gathers 83 African and European partners covering a wide range of sectors: education/research, private sector, policy and funding. Together, they are building a long-term partnership of African and European stakeholders committed to fostering research and innovation for the development of renewable energy.

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