The Partnership on Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (CCSE) of the AU-EU High Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) on Science, Technology and Innovation organizes an online seminar series on African-European Climate Change and Sustainable Energy.
The series is dedicated to challenges and opportunities in the field of climate change and sustainable energy. Each seminar is dedicated to practice-oriented issues and demands. The series will run weekly, each Thursday, from 7 October to 28 October 2021 at 11:00 – 12:00 CEST:
- 7 October: The CCSE Partnership and how to organise mutually beneficial partnerships and multi-stakeholder approaches for impact
- 14 October: Seizing opportunities of AU-EU cooperation under Horizon Europe
- 21 October: Transnational innovation for sustainable development
- 28 October: Zooming in on international agreements that support the African and European Climate Agenda
LEAP-RE partners will be speaking in several of these online seminars. François Moisan (ANR, France) will participate in the first webinar. Anne Wacera Wambugu (Strathmore University, Kenya) will participate in the second one. Erick Tambo (UNU -EHS) will participate in the last one.
To participate in one or more of the seminars, please register here: